Lotus Bushcraft Knife
Al bushcraft/whittling knife with a lotus themed sheath. The blade was forged from an an antique file and the handle is recycled Huon Pine and Redgum.
Forest Knife
Made for a forest dwelling friend. The blade was forged from an antique file, and the handle is Redgum and Jarrah.
Antler Utitlity Knife
I gave this knife to my Uncle as thanks for giving me a section of railroad track, which became my first anvil. The blade is forged from a an antique file, and the handle is a deer antler tyne, and Jarrah, The sheath was made from various sources of recycled leather.
Farriers Rasp Belt Knife
A belt knife with traditional styling. The blade was forged from a ‘Save Edge’ farrier’s rasp. The handle is Redgum and Jarrah, with a guard shaped from recycled brass.
Australian Bowie
A bowie knife made for a friend. The blade is a forged farriers rasp, with handle made of reclaimed Redgum, Jarrah, and Cherry. The steel guard was forged from a very old spanner, with the rust pocked surface was burnished but otherwise preserved.
Dowidat Wrench Knife
A rusty old drop forged spanner reforged into a handy utility knife. This knife currently hangs in the toolrack in my Dad’s shed.